Peru Celebra



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版本需求:系統需求:iOS 10.3 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。

Peru Celebra(圖1)-速報App

Peru Celebra is a website in Spanish and English, which has daily information about activities to go out to have fun and travel in Lima and the provinces of Peru. It is divided into 3 sections:


Agenda: Cinema, Art/Photo, Concerts, Theater / Dance, Shows, Gastronomy, Teens and Children.


Calendar: Festivals, Fairs, Festivities, Anniversaries, Contests, Exhibitions, Sports, Parades, Fashion Show, etc.

Peru Celebra(圖2)-速報App


Tourism Lima: Archaeological Complexes, Museums, Parks, Tourist Places, etc.

Archaeological Tourism: Archaeological Complexes and Museums.

Ecological Tourism: Sanctuaries, Reserves and National Parks, Lakes and Lagoons, Snowy, Falls, Thermal Baths, Refuges and Animal Rescue Center, etc.

Adventure Tourism: Adventure Sports, Beaches, Rivers, etc.

Peru Celebra(圖3)-速報App

Vivencial Tourism: Vivencial Tourism in Communities.

Mystic Tourism: Alternative Medicine, Medicinal Lagoons, etc.